General conditions

These conditions form part of all agreements concerning (or connected with) services provided by Houtappel advocatenkantoor ("HA").

1.     Houtappel advocatenkantoor is a one-man business. Only Dutch law will govern the relationship between HA and its instructing parties, clients and other parties or persons involved (below jointly: the  "Clients").

2.     If through or in connection with the provision of services for a client/commissioning party under an engagement or otherwise, any damage, loss or injury is caused to persons or things for which HA, or one or more persons in its employ, are liable, such liability shall be limited to the amount which is paid under HA’s professional liability policy in the matter concerned. Liability of HA for any form of indirect or consequential losses is excluded; liability for direct loss for which HA (for whatever reason) has no cover at all under any insurance, shall be limited in all cases to the total twice the amount of the invoices sent by HA in the matter concerned which have been timely paid, with a maximum of EUR 20,000,--. No set-off shall be permitted.

3.    Notwithstanding the effect of article 6:89 of the Civil Code, any right against HA to indemnification or damages shall be forfeited in any case six months after the Clients has become aware of any event which may lead to liability of HA. 
4.   The Clients will indemnify and hold harmless HA in respect of all claims and demands from third parties which arise out of, or are connected with, the instructions given to HA and will reimburse HA the reasonable costs of a defense against such claims  

5.  Payment of invoices from HA must be made within 14 days after the invoice date, unless agreed otherwise. 

6. HA will treat all information received from, or on behalf of, Clients confidential in accordance with its latest Privacy Statement. The Privacy Statement of HA can be found on the website of HA:, under the tab/sub-link: "Warunki Wspolpracy" (In Polish) and under the tab/sub-link "General conditions" (in English). The Privacy Statement is published hereunder. 

7.   Complaints regarding the services of HA can be made according to the latest complaints procedure, to be found on the internetsite of HA, ( under the tab/sub-link: 'General Conditions". The complaints procedure is described hereunder. 

8. The Court of Rotterdam shall have exclusive jurisdiction to decide all disputes between HA and the Clients, but HA reserves the right to file suit against the Clients, in connection with payment of invoices or an indemnity as referred to above, before a Court which would (also) be competent without the above choice  of jurisdiction. 


Kancelaria Houtappel przestrzega Holenderskiego Ogólnego Rozporządzenia o Ochronie Danych Osobowych (AVG).

Za przetwarzanie danych osobowych odpowiedzialna jest kancelaria Houtappel. Kancelaria Houtappel przetwarza dane osobowe przede wszystkim na rzecz swoich usług na rzecz klientów. Ponadto dane osobowe przetwarzane są w kontekście prowadzonej działalności gospodarczej, takiej jak rekrutacja i selekcja personelu, zarządzanie systemami teleinformatycznymi, administracja, fakturowanie oraz obsługa reklamacji i sporów. Podstawą prawną przetwarzania danych osobowych jest w pierwszej kolejności umowa o świadczenie usług zawarta z Kancelarią Houtappel, wywiązanie się z obowiązków prawnych oraz reprezentowanie interesów klientów i osób trzecich.

Podstawą przetwarzania danych osobowych w przypadku aplikacji (na wakat lub spontanicznie) jest zgoda. W przypadku złożenia wniosku uznaje się, że wnioskodawca wyraził zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych. W takim przypadku dane zostaną zniszczone do końca procedury aplikacyjnej lub w przypadku złożenia wniosku spontanicznego po sześciu miesiącach. We wszystkich przypadkach, w których przetwarzanie odbywa się na podstawie zgody, zgodę można wycofać w dowolnym momencie, po czym dane zostaną usunięte przez Kancelarię Houtappel.

Dane osobowe, które przetwarza kancelaria Houtappel to: - imiona pełne, - Nazwisko, - Data urodzenia, - Adres (miasto, kod pocztowy, ulica, numer domu), - Numer telefonu, - Adres e-mail, - Numer obsługi obywatela, - Narodowość, - Numer konta.

Kancelaria Houtappel nie udostępnia Twoich danych osobowych podmiotom trzecim, chyba że jest to niezbędne w ocenie Kancelarii Houtappel dla jednego z celów przetwarzania. Dane osobowe klientów mogą być również udostępniane podmiotom trzecim zaangażowanym przez Kancelarię Houtappel, takim jak komornicy czy dostawcy usług IT. W takich przypadkach kancelaria Houtappel zobowiązuje się do zachowania poufności. Prawników zrzeszonych w Kancelarii Houtappel oraz wszystkich pracowników zatrudnionych w Kancelarii Houtappel obowiązuje obowiązek zachowania w tajemnicy danych osobowych oraz wszelkich informacji poufnych klientów i osób trzecich, które poznają w trakcie prowadzenia kancelarii. W przypadku pytań dotyczących przetwarzania danych osobowych prosimy o kontakt z koordynatorem ds. prywatności p. J.B. Houtappel.


Article 1 definitions

In this complaints procedure, the following definitions apply:

complaint: any written expression of dissatisfaction by or on behalf of the client towards the lawyer or the persons working under his responsibility about the conclusion and execution of a contract for services, the quality of the service or the amount of the invoice, not being a complaint as referred to in section 4 of the Dutch Lawyers Act (Advocatenwet);

complainant: the client or his representative who makes a complaint known;

complaints officer: the lawyer charged with handling the complaint;

Article 2 scope of application

This office complaints procedure applies to every agreement for services between Houtappel Law Firm, hereinafter: “HA” and the client.

The lawyer is responsible for handling complaints in accordance with the office complaints procedure.

Article 3 objectives

This office complaints procedure aims to:

a. establishing a procedure to deal with complaints from clients in a constructive manner within a reasonable period of time;

b. establishing a procedure to determine the causes of client complaints;

c. maintaining and improving existing relationships through good complaints handling;

d. train employees in customer-oriented response to complaints;

e. improving the quality of service with the help of complaint handling and complaint analysis.

Article 4 information at the start of the service

This office complaints procedure has been made public. Before entering into the contract for services, the lawyer points out to the client that the office applies an office complaints procedure and that this applies to the services provided.

HA has stated in the contract for services and via the general terms and conditions to which independent party or body a complaint that has not been resolved after handling can be submitted in order to obtain a binding decision and has made this known in the order confirmation.

Complaints as referred to in Article 1 of this office complaints procedure that have not been resolved after handling can be submitted to the court or reported to the Dean.

Article 5 internal complaints procedure

If a client approaches the office with a complaint, the complaint will be forwarded to mr J.B. Houtappel, who thus acts as complaints officer. Mr J.B. Houtappel discusses this complaint with mr. T. Bezmalinovic.

The complaints officer informs the person against whom the complaint has been lodged of the submission of the complaint and gives the complainant and the person against whom the complaint has been made the opportunity to explain the complaint.

The complaints officer will deal with the complaint within four weeks of receipt of the complaint or, stating the reasons, will inform the complainant about any deviation from this period, stating the period within which an opinion on the complaint will be given.

The complaints officer will inform the complainant and the person against whom the complaint has been made in writing of the opinion on the merits of the complaint.

Article 6 Confidentiality and free complaint handling

The complaints officer and the person about whom the complaint has been made will observe confidentiality when handling the complaint.

The complainant does not owe any compensation for the costs of handling the complaint.

Article 7 responsibilities

The complaints officer is responsible for the timely handling of the complaint.

The person about whom the complaint has been made will keep the complaints officer informed about any contact and a possible solution.

The complaints officer will keep the complainant informed about the handling of the complaint.

The complaints officer keeps the complaint file up to date.

Article 8 complaint registration

The complaints officer keeps an overview of all complaints received, including the subject of the complaint, discusses the complaints internally as often as necessary and, if necessary, makes recommendations to prevent new complaints, as well as to improve procedures.